Applied in Our Center
Techniques for Treatment
There are two basic methods in the.
The fertilized egg that emerges by combining the sperm cell of the man and the egg cell of the...
What is Micro Tese?
Micro-tese surgery is a surgical method. This surgery is performed if no sperm is found in the semen..
Sperm Aspiration with Microsurgery (MESA)
If there is normal or near-normal sperm production in the testis, but..
NGS – What is Next Generation Secuens?
Ngs is the genetic analysis technology used in comprehensi...
Ivf-ICSI Treatment With Microchip
What is a micro chip baby? Couples who want to have a baby may..
What is ERA Test?
The “Endometrial Receptivity Assay” (ERA test) is a test that shows the timi...
Prenatal Tests
The stage of the baby between the embryo and birth is called the "fetus". It is also known as "fetus"..