Micro-tese surgery is a surgical method. This surgery is performed if no sperm is found in the semen. In other words, it is an operation to obtain sperm by biopsy from certain areas of the testis. Microtese surgery is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia depending on the patient’s request.
Tese surgery was previously performed without the use of a microscope. Today, fewer and more accurate tissue samples are examined using the microscope. Thus, the success rate of micro-tese has increased.
Micro tese is one of the last techniques to be applied for male infertility problems. Because this technique is applied to people who do not have any sperm in their semen (azoospermia not due to obstruction) or who have 100% immobile sperm in their semen.
For Which Patients Is Micro Tese Applied?
It is applied to male individuals who do not have any sperm cells in their semen (azoospermia) due to sperm production disorder.
Microdeletions on the Y chromosome are the most common molecular cause of severe oligospermia and nonobstructive azoospermia. After the diagnosis of azoospermia is made, the Y chromosome should be evaluated by performing genetic studies. The AZF region, which controls sperm production on the Y chromosome, is subdivided into AZFa, AZFb, AZFc and AZFd. The genes in the AZF region are solely related to spermatogenesis. Since sperm production does not occur due to the deficiency in these sections, micro-tesing is not applied.
How is Micro Tese Surgery Performed?
Tese surgery is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia depending on the patient’s request. An incision of approximately 1-2 cm is applied to the patient’s testis. After the testis is completely opened, the sperm channels are observed with a microscope at 20-25 times magnification. In the surgery, the enlarged tubules are removed and the presence of sperm is investigated under the microscope. Thanks to the microscope used in micro-tese surgery, sperm channels can be seen more clearly, lively and fuller.
How Many Hours Does Micro Tese Surgery Take?
Since the canals are examined one by one, the surgery takes about 1-2 hours.
Micro Tese Surgery What Is Done If Sperm Is Not Found?
If there is no sperm in the micro-TESE operation, the micro-TESE pathology result of the patient is examined and the stage of sperm production is examined and supportive treatment is given. Micro TESE surgery is recommended again in the appropriate process.
What Should Patients Consider for Micro Tese Surgery?
People with chronic diseases should be under control and if drugs such as blood thinners are consumed, these drugs should not be consumed one week before.
Does Micro Tese Procedure Damage the Testicle?
No complications are known as the harms of micro-tese surgery. Since micro TESE surgery is performed with a microscope, tissue damage is minimized. However, because it is an operation, undesirable conditions such as bleeding and inflammation may occur. These situations mostly occur as a result of the patient getting up early, moving too much and not paying attention to wound hygiene.
What Should Be Considered After Mikro Tese?
- Physical activities should not be performed after Tese surgery.
- Those who have micro-tese surgery should not take a shower immediately.
- There should be no sexual intercourse after Tese surgery.
- Dressing should be done 48 hours after the operation.
- Tight underwear should be worn after the operation.
How Many Times Is Micro Tese Surgery Performed?
Micro TESE surgery can be performed more than once. If sperm is obtained in the Micro TESE operation, the rate of sperm retrieval in the next operation is high. However, in some patients, depending on the underlying reasons, even if sperm is obtained in the first surgery, sperm cannot be obtained in the second surgery.
In people whose first micro TESE is negative, the chance of obtaining sperm continues in a second micro TESE procedure.
In Which Situations Is Second Micro TESE Surgery Applied?
In micro TESE surgeries, sperm are found and if the partner is ready, sperm can be transferred directly into the egg or the sperms obtained are frozen until the next preparation stage.
If the sperm found in the first micro TESE operation is sufficient in terms of quality and number and the partner is not ready, the sperm is frozen. These frozen sperm are used in subsequent applications. However, if there is no quality and sufficient number of sperm in the first operation, a second micro TESE operation should be performed.
In addition, sperm loss may occur when the frozen tissue is thawed. In this case, a second micro-TESE operation is recommended. There should be a period of 6 months between the two surgeries.
Are There Risks of Micro Tese Surgery?
Micro TESE surgery does not involve serious life-threatening risks. “Does Micro Tese Procedure Damage the Testicle?” As we explained under the title, undesirable conditions such as bleeding and inflammation may occur. These situations occur depending on the patient.
Micro Tese Surgery Success Rate
The success rate of micro-tese depends on the sperm quality and number of the patient and the center where the surgery will be performed. When the correct sperm cannot be detected and transferred into the egg n successful results are not obtained.
Micro Tese Surgery Price
The price of micro-tese surgery is 1250$