The “Endometrial Receptivity Assay” (ERA test) is a test that shows the timing of the uterus to accept the embryo. The uterus is not ready to hold the embryo in every period. Although good quality embryos are transferred, pregnancy cannot be achieved. Because in naturally occurring pregnancies or in vitro fertilization pregnancies, there is a retention window in the womb (uterus). This window stays open for a certain period of time. If the embryo is transferred during the time the window remains open, the uterus is suitable for embryo attachment. If the embryo is transferred before or after the open period, the uterus is not suitable for embryo attachment.
The Era test is preferred in people who have problems with attachment in the uterus. Before this test, factors preventing adhesion, embryo, uterus and tubes are carefully examined. The ability of the intrauterine membrane to accept the embryo is also very important for a healthy and successful pregnancy.
According to the information obtained with the ERA test, the chance of pregnancy success for the couples increased as the treatment program and embryo transfer day were determined correctly in the patients.
How is the ERA Test Applied?
We can examine the implementation of the Era test in four stages. These stages are:
First Stage: Embryo transfer day is determined
Second Stage: A small piece of intrauterine tissue is taken on a certain day during the natural menstrual cycle of the patients or during the hormone-stimulated treatment process.
Third Stage: The tissue taken is sent to the laboratory for examination. In this examination, the activity of genes that play an important role in the attachment of the embryo to the uterus is measured.
Fourth Stage: The final stage is the outcome evaluation stage. After about two weeks, the measurement results are evaluated and the potential of the uterus to accept the embryo and the transfer day are determined from the tissue taken.
Who is the ERA Test Applied to? When is the ERA Test Done?
This test is performed only in cases deemed necessary. This test is not done for every couple. The ERA test is performed when implantation failure occurs after embryo transfer and there is recurrent embryo implantation failure.
What is the ERA Test Price?
The price of the era test may differ according to the hospitals and clinics that perform the era test. You can call +905304618550(by whatsapp) to get information about the treatments we provide in our centers, in vitro fertilization treatment prices and payments, or you can reach us from the customer support section on our website.