Varicocele is known as the swelling and enlargement of the veins in the scrotum in men. It is likened to varicose veins in the legs. Varicocele 90%
While it is seen on the left side in 10%, it is seen bilaterally and in the upper part of the testicles in 10%. With the accumulation of dirty blood in the testis, the increase in temperature by disrupting the blood flow of the testis affects sperm and testosterone production.
It is understood that varicocele is mostly seen in 10-15% of adult men. Varicocele does not cause infertility in every case as it is thought, and it is known that 80% of cases with varicocele are fertile (having children). Varicocele in individuals; While it may not be observed while lying down, it can be observed to a level that is visible to the naked eye while standing. Patients should be examined and observed for signs of varicocele.
Varicocele can cause infertility by reducing sperm count, decreasing sperm quality and impairing sperm movements. However, sperm production is not adversely affected in all varicocele diagnoses.
In varicocele patients, varicocele develops over time. Especially in our living conditions, which we call the modern lifestyle, couples take a break from the first child until the second child in order to be more active in business life. In this process, varicocele occurs in male individuals and sperm quality and number decrease. Varicocele can cause couples to have trouble for the second child.
What Causes Varicocele?
The cause of varicocele is still unknown today. Healthy veins inside the scrotum take blood from the testicles to the scrotum and then back to the heart. If there is a problem in the blood flow, that is, if the blood starts to expand by collecting in situations that prevent the blood flow, the diagnosis of varicocele is made. This can damage the testicles and cause infertility.
What are the Symptoms of Varicocele?
- Swelling in the testis
- Testicular swelling
- Pain in the testis and groin area
- Testicular size change
- Dark vein observed in testis
These symptoms are very important in the treatment process of varicocele.
Does Varicocele Cause Infertility?
The inability to have children despite being wanted is called “infertility”. Varicocele can cause infertility by damaging sperm and testosterone production. Varicocele is in the first place among the causes of infertility. The problem is solved by treating varicocele with surgery.
Who Gets Varicocele?
In the meantime, although it is known that varicocele causes infertility problems at the age of 18 and above, which is accepted as adult age, it is also seen in childhood. In this state, it is seen that it can cause infertility by giving progressive damage.
What are the conditions that varicocele will cause?
Varicocele damages are examined in two cases:
Shrinkage or shrinkage of the testis: With the accumulation of dirty blood in the testis and the damage caused by disrupting the blood flow of the testis, shrinkage and softening occur in the testis.
Infertility: Varicocele causes infertility because it causes damage to sperm and testosterone production.
How is Varicocele Diagnosed? How is Varicocele Diagnosed?
Individuals can understand the pain and swelling on the testicles, but a doctor’s examination is required for a definitive diagnosis. Pain experienced after situations that require effort such as sexual activity and sports are the harbingers of varicocele.
In order to diagnose varicocele, the patient is examined outpatient at room temperature. Sometimes, after the examination, the patient is hospitalized and looked at again. Varicocele is graded according to the findings of manual examination. This rating is as follows:
- Grade 1 varicocele; It can only be detected by hand after straining and coughing.
- Grade 2 varicocele; It is detected manually in normal breathing without straining and coughing.
- Grade 3 varicocele; It is a varicocele observed remotely without the need for an examination.
Testicular dimensions should be evaluated in detail during the examination. Spermatogenesis may be seriously affected in case of decrease in testicular size or softening. In cases with varicocele, semen examination should be done once. If the first semen analysis is abnormal, the second should be requested. The interval between two semen analyzes should not be shorter than seven days and no longer than three weeks.
How is Varicocele Treatment Performed?
Infertility problem can be solved by increasing sperm quality with varicocele treatment. If a married couple has applied for infertility, varicocele surgery is recommended if it is clear that sperm production is defective in the laboratory examinations of the man.
In addition, individuals should pay attention to the use of malnutrition, smoking and alcohol, which will impair sperm quality.
For Which Patients Is Varicocele Surgery Decision Made?
Varicocele surgery decision is made for patients diagnosed with varicocele and infertility. And the diagnosis should be supported by the symptoms that will occur in these patients. These symptoms are:
- Reduction and softening of testicles
- Existence of vasodilation
- Blood retraction in Doppler examination
determining the angle
- Deterioration of sperm quality in semen analysis
How is Varicocele Surgery Performed?
The main purpose of varicocele surgery is to normalize blood vessels. It is the process of returning the blood flow to normal by compressing or closing the vessels that cannot function.
Are There Risks of Varicocele Surgery?
Since varicocele surgery is performed by microsurgical method, the risks are very low. As with any surgery, varicocele surgery also has some risks. Even though the risks are decreasing today, we can list them as follows:
- Getting an infection
- Recurrence of varicoceles
- Damage that may occur in the vein
Does Varicocele Recur After Surgery?
After varicocele surgery, recurrence of varicocele is very low.
Can a Man with Varicocele Have a Child?
While the pregnancy rate after varicocele surgery was low in the past, this rate is quite high today. After the surgery, 60-70% of the patients have an improvement in sperm parameters. Sperm parameters should be checked every three months after surgery. The best recovery in sperm is taken in the 6th month.
Life After Varicocele Surgery
The use of Doppler ultrasound and microscope has reduced the risks used after surgery. After varicocele surgery, patients can do daily activities that are not heavy after two days of rest. After 1-2 weeks, he can continue his sexual life, after 2-4 weeks he can continue his sports activities.
Post-operative pain persists for a while. It takes 3-6 months for sperm quality to increase and develop. If you do not have a child after the operation, treatment methods such as in vitro fertilization or vaccination are used.
How is Varicocele Pain?
It is a pain that manifests itself in the groin and testis. This pain goes down to the legs over time. It is often confused with pain caused by causes such as hernia, kidney stones and infection.
Does Varicocele Prevent Erectile Dysfunction?
Varicocele can cause dysfunction in the testicles. Chronic and untreated varicocele causes testicular shrinkage and softening. Varicocele can cause loss of sexual desire towards testicular partner.
How does the pain of varicocele pass?
- Using the painkiller the doctor used
- Wearing tight underwear that will reduce the dilation of the veins and blood pressure
Are there any foods that are good for varicocele?
Varicocele treatment is not done with nutrition. Only people with chronic constipation are advised to eat olive oil so that they do not suffer more.