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    What is Sperm Freezing?

    Sperm freezing is the process of freezing and storing sperm, which are male reproductive cells, in a laboratory environment for later thawing and use by in vitro fertilization method. Especially in men undergoing chemotherapy for cancer treatment, if this method is performed before chemotherapy, it allows them to maintain their productivity. In addition, sperm freezing can be performed when sperm is obtained by surgical method in men who do not have any sperm.

    How is Sperm Freezing Made?

     The sperm freezing process begins with the collection of a sperm sample from the man. In order for sperm collection to be performed, the man should not have sexual intercourse until 3 days before or there should be no sperm out of the body. Prolonging this period is not recommended by experts as it will reduce sperm motility and quality. An example can be given by male masturbation. However, in some cases, the sperm rate may be low or the man may not want to apply this method. In such cases, sperm collection is performed by methods such as microsurgery. The sperm taken from the man are analyzed and this process is called semen analysis. With the necessary analysis, sperm count, sperm quality, sperm motility and structure are evaluated by examining. If the sperm taken is of sufficient quality, the sperms are frozen at -197 degrees using specially formulated sperm freezing liquid and preserved for many years.

    What are the Sperm Freezing Methods?

     Before sperm freezing, semen analysis is performed and the sperms are frozen with two different methods.

    • Slow Sperm Freezing: Sperm whose analyzes are completed are frozen within 3-4 hours and immersed in the sperm freezing liquid tank at -197 degrees.
    • Rapid Sperm Freezing: With the help of high freezing solutions, the vitrification method, which is tried to be protected by creating a glass solid surface around the cell, is applied with the sudden temperature drop. The collected sperms are left in contact with the sterile stick and nitrogen vapor for 10 minutes. It is then immersed in the nitrogen tank at -197 degrees. Since the temperature of the sperm drops from 37 degrees to -197 degrees, the sperms are more likely to stay alive.

    Who Is Sperm Freezing Suitable For?

    • In men undergoing chemotherapy treatment,
    • In patients who will undergo testicular surgery (operation),
    • Men with very low sperm count and the possibility of extinction in the coming years,
    • For later use in men whose sperm cells are not found in the semen and whose sperm are removed by surgery,

    Success Rate in Sperm Freezing?

    In the sperm freezing process, the number, motility, quality of the sperm taken and the freezing process in the latest technology laboratories affect the success rate. In sperm freezing processes made with state-of-the-art methods, sperms can maintain their productivity for many years. The probability of having a child is very high in sperm freezing procedures performed with the right methods.

    Sperm Freezing Prices ?

    Price os sperm freezing 700$.You can call our center for sperm freezing price information or fill out the form and ask our representatives to contact you as soon as possible. Be assured that our representatives will forward all the questions and prices you have in mind to you as soon as possible.

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