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    Low sperm count is one of the main reasons why individuals cannot have children. The absence of healthy sperm reduces the possibility of pregnancy. Sperm deficiency is called the state of being less than normal in the number of sperm in the semen that comes during ejaculation. The absence of sperm cells in a man’s semen is called azoospermia. It is also known as the absence of sperm.

    When the disorder that causes low sperm count is treated and eliminated, many men can have children naturally.

    Low Sperm Count Symptoms

    One of the symptoms of low sperm count is difficulty conceiving. Problems such as low sexual desire, erection, ejaculation, pain in the testicles may be encountered in the absence of clear symptoms. Low sperm count is a serious problem that is increasing rapidly nowadays.

    Total Sperm Movement

    Individuals who want to have children and have a low sperm count turn to research such as “How many sperm count should be, how many forward sperm motility should be, how many sperm motility should be”. Normal sperm count, 39 million (15 million per milliliter), forward motility 32%, pH >7.2; its volume is >2 milliliters. Oligospermia is a diagnosis that means low sperm count. If the sperm concentration is below 15 million per milliliter, it is considered as oligospermia. Sperm motility and shape are as important as sperm count for pregnancy.

    Sperm Count Tests and Diagnosis

    The inability to have children is called “infertility”. First of all, the underlying causes of sperm formation are examined. These reasons include a previous infection, trauma, drugs that inhibit sperm production, and whether there is a family history of fertility problems. Afterwards, semen analysis is performed on men and the results are examined. Most infertility is caused by treatable causes. If there is a necessary condition after the results evaluated in the semen analysis, ultrasound evaluation of the testicles and hormone and genetic tests are requested. If there is an infertility condition detected after all procedures, hormone therapy, infection treatment and surgical treatments and assisted reproductive techniques are applied based on the underlying cause of infertility.

    Causes of Low Sperm Count?

    • Varicocele
    • Hormone disorder
    • Undescended testis
    • Fertility problem in family history
    • Previous surgeries
    • Infection
    • Drugs used
    • Stress
    • Chemotherapy
    • Some diseases
    • Tobacco/alcohol use
    • Lifestyle related problems

    Medical Reasons That Lower Sperm Count?

    • Diagnosis of Varicocele: Varicocele can cause infertility by decreasing the number and quality of sperm.
    • Infections: If there is a sexually transmitted infection in the testicles, sperm production is affected.
    • Ejaculation Problem: During ejaculation, semen goes to the urinary tract. It is also known as “reverse discharge” or “dry discharge”.
    • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy used in tumor treatments reduces the number and quality of sperm.
    • Undescended Testicle: It is the case that one or both testicles do not descend into the scrotum during the developmental process. This affects the sperm count and quality.
    • Hormonal Problems: The hypothalamus, pituitary gland and testicles secrete hormones for sperm production. Damage to hormone secretion affects sperm production.

    The small amount and quality of sperm may depend on these reasons.

    Environmental Factors That Reduce Sperm Count?

    • Industrial chemicals (organic solvents, lead paint, pesticides)
    • Heavy metals
    • Radiation
    • The high temperature that the testis is exposed to (long-term laptop use, sauna, hot bath)
    • Tight underwear
    • Cycling for a long time

    Apart from these, there are also life factors that affect sperm count and quality.

    These elements are:

    • Drug use
    • Consumption of alcohol and tobacco products
    • Stress/depression
    • Gaining excess weight (obesity)

    Sperm Count Increasing Treatments and Drugs Used

    First of all, semen analysis should be done for sperm count and quality. In case of low sperm count, hormone therapy, infection treatment and surgical treatments and assisted reproductive techniques are applied based on the underlying cause.

    Hormone Therapy: Hormonal disorders in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and testis can be corrected by taking hormones and drugs.

    Infection Treatment: Infections in the reproductive tract are treated with antibiotics to improve sperm quality.

    Surgical Treatments: For example, if there is enlargement and swelling in testicular collections, that is, in varicocele disease, surgery is performed for quality sperm.

    Assisted Reproductive Techniques: In assisted reproductive techniques, sperm are obtained by ejaculation or by surgical means. The sperm obtained in this reproduction technique can be used in IUI vaccination treatment and IVF treatment.

    Does Sperm Count or Movement Increase With Treatment?

    According to scientific studies, in patients with low sperm count, treatment and sp

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