What is Intrauterine Curtain (Septum)?
Intrauterine veil is a congenital uterine deformity. Approximately 50% of the miscarriages due to congenital uterine deformity are due to the septum. In the mother’s womb, if the uterus, which is formed as two halves, merges and the fibrous tissue in the middle does not dissolve, an intrauterine curtain is formed. These are called fusion errors. There is no harm to the health of the intrauterine veil in women who do not think about pregnancy. In such patients, the intrauterine veil may not show any symptoms.
Complications may vary depending on the depth of the intrauterine veil. The depth of the curtain is diagnosed by imaging methods. If the depth of the intrauterine veil is very small, if there is enough space for the baby to grow, if there are no recurrent miscarriages, treatment is usually not needed. Intrauterine curtain may extend up to the cervix, that is, the cervix and divide the uterine cavity into two, or it may reach further and divide the entire vagina into two. Septum (intrauterine curtain) can be seen in different formats. If there is a miscarriage in the patient’s history and if the intrauterine veil is supported by imaging methods, treatment is considered.
Intrauterine veil is not seen as a primary cause of infertility. It can often cause miscarriage and premature birth.
How Is Intrauterine Veil Diagnosed?
Diagnosis of intrauterine veil can be made by vaginal ultrasound method. Uterine film is taken. Uterine film, however, is not sufficient to diagnose septum and bicornus. Definitive diagnosis is made by hysteroscopy.
How is Intrauterine Curtain Treated?
The gold standard treatment of intrauterine veil is surgical operation with hysteroscopy. With hysteroscopy, the intrauterine curtain is cut. The average success rate in treatment is 90%. In case of recurrent pregnancy loss and diagnosis of intrauterine veil, treatment should be evaluated.