Prenatal Tests
The stage of the baby between the embryo and birth is called the “fetus”. It is also known as “fetus” among the people. The fetus is screened with prenatal tests. Thus, the diagnosis of certain genetic diseases is made. Prenatal diagnostic techniques are different from each other. The diagnosis technique is determined according to the gestational week and the reason for the application.
Thanks to the development of technology, it is now possible to screen for some genetic diseases in the fetus without any interventional intervention. This procedure is done by taking a blood sample from the expectant mother.
Screening Tests (Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests)
- Dual Test: Fetus is evaluated in detail (head-rump distance, nuchal translucency thickness) by ultrasonography. Afterwards, the blood sample taken from the expectant mother is combined with the ultrasonographic information to analyze whether there is a risk or not. 11-13 of pregnancy. applied in weeks.
- Triple Test: Blood is taken from the arm of the expectant mother and the values of three different hormones (hCG, Alpha-feto protein [AFP] , Estriol [E3]) are analyzed. 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. applied in weeks.
- NIPT: Blood is taken from the expectant mother and the limited number of chromosomes of the fetus are examined. It is applied from the 10th week of pregnancy.
Diagnostic Tests (Interventional Prenatal Tests)
- Chorionic Villus Biopsy (CVS): Genetic diagnosis is determined from the sampling made from the placenta. 11-14 days of pregnancy. applied in weeks.
- Amniocentesis (AS): Genetic diagnosis is determined from the fluid in which the baby is present. 15-19 days of pregnancy. applied in weeks.
- Cordocentesis (KS): Genetic diagnosis is determined by sampling the blood taken from the cord. 18-24th of pregnancy. applied in weeks.
What are the Disadvantages of Prenatal Screening and Diagnostic Tests?
Prenatal screening and diagnostic tests are not harmful for the mother and the baby. It is safe for all expectant mothers. However, there is a small risk, as the baby’s sterile internal environment is entered with the help of a needle.
Do Prenatal Screening and Diagnostic Tests Give Definitive Results?
Screening tests do not always give precise results. If there is a risk in expectant mothers who have had a screening test, diagnostic tests should be applied. Diagnostic tests clearly show the genetic makeup of the fetus. Thus, the reliability of diagnostic tests is high.
How Much Do Prenatal Tests Cost?
The price of prenatal tests 400$ You can call +90(530) 4618550 (by whatsapp) to get information about treatment.