Pregnancy Rates

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    Things to be done in order to achieve a high pregnancy rate:

    1. Firstly it is necessary to find an answer for the question “Why cannot our patient get pregnant?”. For this, the problem should be immediately detected before the patient starts a new treatment and if possible, a treatment should be recommended according to the problem.
    2. To follow the developments in medicine and include new technologies. The techniques and processes such as MICROTESE, BLASTOCYST TRANSFER, PGD (PREIMPLANTATION GENETIC DIAGNOSIS), EMBRYOSCOPE, HYSTEROSCOPY help increase the success rate.
      3. Achieveing a quality embryo does not mean that there will occur pregnancy. The womb in which the embryo will settle should be convenient and smooth for this, so control and if necessary (polype, adherence, double wombs, myoma etc.) treatment with hysteroscopy are required. Otherwise tube baby treatment which will be applied may be come to nothing.
      4. The importance of drug usage during the egg preparation period is great for achieving quality and sufficient eggs. It is important that this process should be carried out by expert hands.

    In compliance with the regulations, it is forbidden to publish the pregnancy rates. Thank you for your understanding.

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