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    Polycystic Ovary

    Polycystic ovary is a hormonal disorder of unknown cause in women. The most common symptoms in women are amenorrhea and menstrual irregularity. Many women complain of thickening in the waist area, hair growth under the chin and around the navel, acne and male pattern hair loss. The underlying cause is often polycystic ovary syndrome. Polycystic ovary syndrome, which is caused by hormonal disorders, also leads to results such as infertility in women.

    Polycystic ovary syndrome, which is seen in one out of every five women in the society, is one of the leading ovulation problems in women. In order for the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome to be made, the patient must have at least two of the following symptoms: delayed menstruation, excess male hormone, PCOS appearance in ultrasound examination, hairiness and acne.

    What is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (pcos)?

    Polycystic ovary syndrome, which is seen in one out of every five women in the society, is one of the leading ovulation problems in women. In order for the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome to be made, the patient must have at least two of the following symptoms: delayed menses, excess male hormone, hair growth and acne.

    Polycystic ovary is actually a hormonal disorder that concerns the reproductive cell ovaries in women. Under normal conditions, women menstruate because they produce one egg each month. Because what makes women menstruate is the ovulation hormone. Therefore, the biggest problem in polycystic ovary is whether the eggs do not grow and crack. Women often complain of menstrual irregularity, as it grows and does not crack. Eggs that reach a certain size in the polycystic ovary do not hatch. The reason for this is still unknown. The appearance of the eggs that have reached a certain size in women without cracking and accumulated is called the polycystic ovary image.

    Symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome? PCOS Symptoms?

    The most common symptom of polycystic ovary, which is the fearful dream of women, is menstrual irregularity and amenorrhea. There may be different causes of menstrual irregularity, the following symptoms are some of the symptoms of polycystic ovary;

    • Lubrication in the waist area
    • Excess weight
    • Oiliness on the skin
    • Undercover
    • Absence of menstruation
    • Hair loss
    • Inability to conceive
    • Female Infertility (infertility)
    • Hair growth under the chin and on the chest area are symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome.

    What Causes Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

    Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disease whose congenital cause is still unknown. Polycystic ovary is a lifelong disease. Untreated patients are at increased risk of heart disease, blood lipid disorders, high blood pressure, diabetes, and uterine cancer. The risk of type 2 diabetes is doubled.

    How is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Treated?

    Polycystic ovary syndrome is a chronic condition. Therefore, women with polycystic ovaries should focus on improving their quality of life. A healthy diet, exercise, alcohol and smoking should be avoided. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of polycystic ovary that reduce the quality of life.

    Does Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Make It Difficult To Get Pregnant?

    Normal females produce one or two eggs each month. If these eggs are fertilized when they meet the sperm and settle in the uterus, pregnancy occurs. In patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, on the other hand, the woman tries to produce many eggs at the same time, but cannot produce any of them, that is, they do not crack. Therefore, women with polycystic ovaries may not ovulate every month compared to normal women. Since they do not produce eggs every month, they have difficulty conceiving naturally.

    Vaccination and IVF Treatment in Patients with Polycystic Ovary

    Women with polycystic ovaries have more eggs in their ovaries than normal. However, since they cannot ovulate regularly every month, ovulation of patients can be supported in various ways. Vaccination treatment can be relatively difficult in polycystic patients. Because they can enlarge more than one egg in patients with polycystic ovaries during vaccination. However, the number of eggs desired to grow in vaccination is one or two.

    IVF success rate is higher in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome than in normal women. Because patients with polycystic ovaries have more eggs in their ovaries.

    In vitro fertilization treatment should be done carefully in patients with polycystic ovaries. If the embryo transfer is performed when the hormones are high, the probability of the patient to become pregnant decreases. Therefore, eggs are collected and combined with sperm to form an embryo. Embryos are then frozen. Uterine resting is performed. If the embryos are transferred after the patient’s hormonal balance is achieved, a high rate of pregnancy is achieved.

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