What is Endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst)?
Endometriosis is the formation of the “endometrium” layer in the inner part of the uterus outside the uterus. Settlement of these tissues in the ovaries leads to menstrual-like bleeding, and the formation of cysts due to the accumulation of dark brown blood is called chocolate cyst. Worldwide, approximately 176 million women have endometriosis. This condition occurs in 1 out of 10 women during the productive period, that is, in the years from the onset of menstruation to menopause. Pain before and after menstruation, during the ovulation period, when going to the toilet shows its symptoms.
Endometriosis lesions are most commonly found in the ovaries and are called chocolate cysts. It is also found in the tubes in the lower and posterior part of the uterus, in the uterosacral ligaments that hold the uterus in place, in the large intestines, bladder and on the inner lining of the abdomen. Certain genes can cause endometriosis in some women.
What are the Symptoms of Endometriosis?
Chronic pain in the lower abdomen, fatigue, painful sexual intercourse, and difficulty in conceiving (infertility) may occur due to endometriosis. Most people do not know that these symptoms are due to endometriosis. This lack of awareness causes delay in treatment.
- Painful Menstruation
- Pain during ovulation
- Pain during defecation
- More than normal bleeding during the menstrual period
- Painful Sexual Intercourse
- Chronic pain in the lower abdomen
- Infertility (infertility)
- Tiredness
How Is Endometriosis Diagnosed?
Endometriosis can be difficult to diagnose. Because it is often confused with other conditions that cause similar symptoms. Along with the gynecological exam, having a list of your other symptoms will help your doctor make a diagnosis. The patient should describe their symptoms sincerely and clearly. How often does it happen, how severe is it? Ultrasound (USG) or MRI (MRI) may be required for diagnosis. However, small endometriosis lesions may not be seen with these examinations. Laparoscopy may be required for definitive diagnosis. In fact, today the mass can be easily observed with transvaginal ultrasound and is so typical that it cannot be confused with anything else.
Endometriosis Treatment ?
There is no known cure for endometriosis. However, there are treatments that can help reduce your symptoms and improve your quality of life. The important thing is to find the right solution for you. For this, you need to talk to your doctor about your symptoms, explain how they affect your daily life, and decide whether you want to have children now or at a later date. Among the treatment options applied today, surgery is the most invasive treatment method. Endometriosis lesions create the opportunity to be removed during laparoscopy for diagnosis. The success of the surgical procedure depends on the surgeon.
Hormone therapy is the suppression of menstrual cycles to prevent monthly bleeding. There are various drugs that act by shrinking the inner layer of the uterus and endometriosis lesions. Birth control pills are often used as the first line of treatment, especially in young women.
GnRH analogs can be taken as a monthly injection or as a daily nasal spray. This treatment is usually recommended for up to 6 months and creates a temporary state of menopause. Progestins are synthetic hormones similar to progesterone. It is available in different forms as daily tablet, weekly or monthly injection and intrauterine device. We recommend that you consult your physician to determine the most effective and least side-effecting treatment method for you.
Patients diagnosed with chocolate cyst should complete the number of children as soon as possible. Because these cysts are persistent. It can pass to the other ovary, enlarge and rapidly reduce the number of eggs.
Who Gets Chocolate Cyst (Endometrioma)?
Chocolate Cyst may show no symptoms in some women, while it may show milder symptoms in some women. Endometriosis can be seen in approximately 1 in 10 women during the productive period of women, that is, from the onset of menstruation to menopause.
Does Chocolate Cyst Prevent Pregnancy?
Chocolate cyst is a disease that causes infertility.
However, it is possible to have a baby with in vitro fertilization treatment in patients who are diagnosed early.
You can fight endometriosis. Do not accept pain as normal. If you’re having trouble doing your daily activities, talk openly with your doctor about your symptoms and consider treatment options. Keep in mind that treatment may vary depending on your response to treatment. Take care of yourself mentally and physically, eat well, exercise regularly and get enough rest.
If you have been diagnosed with a chocolate cyst, the best method for having a child will be in vitro fertilization, it is very important to act early.
Novafertil IVF Center adopts a patient-oriented approach that cares about acting together in the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis and chocolate cysts.