Double Uterus
A double uterus is formed by the fusion of both mullerian ducts on the right and left embryologically while the uterus is developing. If this fusion does not develop, two different uteruses form on the right and left, this situation is called double uterus (uterus didelphis). Double uterus is not a disease, but an anatomical condition. Among women, it can be defined as a ‘duplex uterus’, that is, having two separate cervixes.
What is Double Uterus?
Double uterus is an anomaly that is not defined as a congenital disease. Usually, these women may experience pain or no complaints during puberty or from time to time. Double uterus is not a condition that negatively affects the reproductive system. It does not prevent conception, but may pose a miscarriage risk. For this reason, it is recommended to pay attention to women with double wombs during pregnancy.
What Are the Symptoms of Double Uterus?
Women with a double uterus may experience severe pain before menstruation, irregular menstruation, excessive bleeding, and a feeling of bloating in the abdomen. However, these non-specific symptoms may not bring the anomaly to mind. It can occur with ultrasonography (Usg), which is usually performed in gynecological examinations performed for different reasons.
The uterus is an organ that ensures the development of the baby during pregnancy. The double uterus that occurs during pregnancy may sometimes not show any symptoms. Two uterine conditions are seen in 2%-4% of normal births. Double uterus, which causes 40% miscarriage in normal births, sometimes may not be noticed even until the pregnancy is completed.
How Is Double Uterus Diagnosed?
Double uterine anomalies, which usually do not show any symptoms, may occur in different gynecological examinations. Ultrasonography is the most widely used method in the diagnosis of double uterine anomalies. In cases where double uterus ultrasound image is not sufficient, methods such as MRI, computed tomography, hysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy may be preferred for advanced diagnosis.
What Are the Types of Double Uterus?
There are two types as double cervix or two separated double vaginas. In both double uterine anomalies, there is no significant effect on the reproductive system.
How Is Double Uterus Treated?
Double uterus is not considered a disease because it is an anatomical defect from birth. Therefore, no treatment method is applied. However, double uterus, which has no effect on the reproductive system, may cause miscarriage during pregnancy. It is recommended that women with double uterus be under the control of a doctor during pregnancy. If the double uterus, which does not usually cause major health problems, needs to be treated, double uterus surgery can be performed.
Does Double Uterus Prevent Pregnancy?
In the case of a double uterus, women can often be worried. The uterus, which is congenital and even begins to form in the mother’s womb, can sometimes occur due to the failure of the ducts to merge. Double uterus is an anomaly, not a disease. For this reason, there are many women who have double wombs and become pregnant. Having a double uterus does not mean that a woman cannot conceive. Care should be taken against the possibility of miscarriage during double-uterine pregnancy periods. There are many women who have double wombs and give birth.
How Can Women with Double Wombs Conceive?
Women with a double uterus can conceive normally. The important point is to do post-pregnancy controls. If it is fertilized in both wombs, it may pose a risk due to the baby’s development in the womb or its position. This situation is very risky and requires doctor control.
In women with double wombs, one uterus may not be fertilized after the other is fertilized. For this reason, the other uterus does not lose its functionality and menstruation continues. A woman who thinks she is pregnant waits for her period to stop. But he continues to menstruate. In this case, women with double uterus who are considering getting pregnant should do pregnancy control with a pregnancy test and ultrasonography.
As a result, women with double wombs can conceive through normal means. However, she should undergo a pregnancy process under the control of a doctor.